Tax Credits are ending on April 5, 2025, after which no further tax credits payments will be made by HMRC. Tax credits are ...
Inheritance tax has been described as a "meal ticket" for HM Revenue and Customs ( HMRC) after receipts hit £7 billion in ten ...
HMRC is to cut the amount of interest it charges people on late tax payments following the Bank of England's decision to ...
HMRC is reportedly demanding tax payments from individuals whose pension savings were swindled by fraudsters. This action by ...
HMRC hiking the Personal Tax Allowance to an eye-watering £20,000 has moved a step closer after a key Parliamentary website ...
The Labour Party government's tax arm is slapping people who've fallen victim to cruel scams with demands for tax in a brutal ...
For a family with two children, the benefit is worth up to £2,212 per year, while if you have three children, it could be ...
Thousands of women are owed money by the government after a major National Insurance error led to people being underpaid the ...
A tax expert has urged millions of workers to check their tax code on their March payslip - as a staggering £5.8 billion has ...
Child Benefit rates are set to increase by 1.7% next month - here's a full list of how much each payment will go up by ...
A number of changes are being introduced by HM Revenue and Customs from vehicle excise duty to national insurance ...
The UK tax agency has issued an early commercial notice outlining its intent to award a major cloud provider a contract lasting until 2036 and covering migration from existing platforms HM Revenue and ...