Lastly, it has to be a straightforward action movie. That means no sci-fi actioners or superhero films. Sorry to, ...
I never thought this day would come. Seriously. After 18 years in Apple’s warm, minimalist embrace, I’ve crossed over to ...
Sean Connery only had one goal when he decided to take up acting as a full-time occupation, and it's fair to say he managed it.
Fans were left furious as James Bond icon Sean Connery bragged about hitting women in a shock resurfaced clip.
A founding editor of People, he also served as editor in chief of Little, Brown and produced films. But his public image was ...
Sean Connery may have come to despise James Bond while playing the British spy, but he still walked away with a key trait of ...
Bond takes his chance and the pair fight to the death as the Orient Express roars on. The fight is so brilliant because it ...
With St. Patrick’s Day falling on Monday this year (and during Lent every year), some of the more boisterous forms of ...
Since Amazon Studios bought the rights to James Bond, fans have been wondering about what the future holds for the iconic spy ...
What will become of James Bond? That’s the question very much on the minds of Brits — and millions more 007 fans around the ...
While the future of the James Bond film franchise remains in question, one member of the 007 family is living the good life.