A mural at a controversial oceanfront park replacing the Great Highway in San Francisco was discovered vandalized Saturday, a ...
It covers nearly three-quarters of our planet but the ocean floor is less mapped than the Moon, an astonishing fact driving a ...
The artist who painted the mural, Emily Fromm, says it was created for the community. That very same community came together on Sunday to help it up. KTVU's Tori Gaines reports from San Francisco.
An artist is speaking out after she says her mural was vandalized along San Francisco’s Great Highway. According to mural ...
We’ve mapped nearly all of Mars’ surface from orbit, yet we know less about Earth’s ocean floor — almost 75% remains unmapped in high resolution. This terrestrial blind spot is driving NJIT ...
This 2022 astronaut photo reveals a menagerie of hidden oceanographic features surrounding a pair of Greek islands, including giant spinning currents and rarely seen "internal waves." ...
Its goal? To map the whole ocean floor by the end of this decade. This goal is extremely ambitious. There are technical challenges, financial challenges, and political challenges. Five years to ...
"Our major discovery here is that life in the deepest parts of our oceans is more diverse than it is in the ocean floor areas that surround these trenches," Virtasalo said. They found evidence of ...
Traces of organisms detected in sediments from 7.5 kilometers below the ocean surface reveal how organisms ... materials are deposited on the sea floor from trench margins above.
The cause remains a mystery — was it shifting ocean currents or a cosmic radiation surge from ... concentration of this isotope in sediment samples from the Pacific Ocean floor. This unexpected ...