Juniper is a broad genus that includes everything from large trees up to 30 feet tall to ground-hugging shrubs that spread wide but never get higher than 18 inches. While species like the fast ...
Therefore, choosing a tree species that will be the right size for your bonsai container is important. Some species, like juniper, are naturally small and are ideal for bonsai, and other species ...
The world's oldest shrub was just found in Finland's tundra. The old-timer is a direct cousin of Arizona's Junipers found ...
The tree is a small common juniper which is growing in the Finnish ... that it has survived despite not being the most robust of species. Over the years, it will have fought off the odds such ...
For the moment, three native tree species have been chosen for planting: African wild olive (Olea Africana), East African juniper (Juniperus procera) and African greenheart (Warburgia ugandensis).