A new study documents Putah Creek-origin salmon, meaning some salmon returning to the restored creek in the fall to spawn were actually born there. The study carries broader implications for other ...
Almost everywhere in California, salmon are on the decline. But in Putah Creek—a restored stream running through the ...
The Department of Natural Resources weekly fishing report for March 19 shows some of the most current conditions in the ...
This month’s Science on Tap features Zac Reinstein, fisheries biologist with the Yurok Tribe, who will present “Coho Salmon Supplementation in Trinity River Tributaries.” ...
Recent ocean conditions and a strong El Niño weather pattern in the Pacific in 2024 indicate that Chinook salmon returns to ...
A new website now gives you a regular count, usually weekly, of how many steelhead, coho salmon, chinook salmon and brown ...
Canned salmon, long thought to be just a pantry staple, has unexpectedly become a valuable archive of Alaskan marine ecology.
During the sunny morning, qathet School District students were bused to the salmon centre to release chum salmon into the ...
How tribal leaders, commercial fisherman and a few small environmental groups won an uphill campaign against dams.
The Edmonds Stream Team released 5,000 “baby” chum salmon into lower Shell Creek on Monday. These chum salmon “fry” were ...
State biologists say salmon populations have declined because of a combination of factors, such as dams, which have blocked off spawning areas, and global warming, which is intensifying droughts ...
From certain facts we may infer that salmon under the impelling force of a ‘spawning urge’ travel to their natal rivers by virtue of a ‘homing instinct’, and ‘wait’ at the mouths of ...