New appointments to the commission include Barbara Haselden, a graduate of Ball State University and owner and president of ...
Hart wants a new measure adopted that would protect the rights of children who are facing prosecution as an adult.
Zephyrhills Republican Sen. Danny Burgess filed the bill ( SB 766) which would ensure transparency and accountability for ...
Garcia has filed a measure that will bolster support services and provide resources to help young adults become ...
Crestview Republican Sen. Don Gaetz and Pensacola Republican Rep. Alex Andrade have filed bills ( SB 554, HB 451) to reduce ...
Rodriguez has introduced a measure that would allow owners of certified resilient and sustainable buildings to receive tax ...
A new measure would give family members of murder victims a second crack at finding a perpetrator in cold cases across the ...
Trabulsy's measure would expand the roles and responsibilities of physician assistants and advanced practice registered nurses.
López has introduced a new proposal to enhance protections and safeguards for victims of violence and stalking.
Tavares Republican Sen. Keith Truenow has filed a bill ( SB 600) with the goal of coordinating manufacturing efforts in ...
Rodriguez has filed a new measure that would allow patients suffering from severe illnesses to have individualized treatment options.
The “Pam Rock Act” ( SB 572 ), filed by Tampa Republican Sen. Jay Collins, was named after U.S. Postal Service carrier Pam ...