At the show, Synchron demonstrated how its Stentrode BCI, a stent-like device implanted via the neck into blood vessels near ...
Jace, from Connecticut, is one of four children all born with severe childhood blindness who gained 'life-changing improvements' to their vision after an experimental trial of gene therapy.
Millie Bobby Brown stars as Michelle in The Electric State opposite Herman (voiced by Anthony Mackie), PopFly (voiced by Brian Cox), Mr. Peanut (voiced by Woody Harrelson), Penny Pal (voiced by Jenny ...
Available, Fully Customizable Foundation Model Brings Generalized Skills and Reasoning to Humanoid RobotsNVIDIA, Google DeepMind and Disney ...
A reflection on the myth and realities of its establishment, accomplishments, and challenges has shown that through ...
NASA considers SANS one of its ‘red risks’ for a Mars mission, owing to its potential severity and the number of astronauts ...
The costs of small, lightweight components have fallen as artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms and computer vision technology ... But hosting a robot with a human "form-factor" is more than ...
A rare and deliberate signal between a mother chimpanzee and her daughter raises new questions about ape communication, culture and the meaning of sharing a language ...
Bruno Dumont’s action-fantasy satire is all the greater for its loving, quasi-documentary attention to ordinary life.
When the country is in turmoil and awash in frustration, suspicion and anger it may help to think about basic principles — to think about those ideas that have inspired ...
The worst long-term complication of measles is a form of delayed encephalitis called subacute sclerosing panencephalitis ...