You have a chemical pregnancy. A chemical pregnancy is a type of miscarriage that happens very early on in pregnancy. It can cause a false positive result or a faint line on a pregnancy test ...
This latest study shows the vaccine does not increase the risk of having a baby born with major birth defects.
If your complete blood count shows low red blood cells, you may have anemia during pregnancy, which may cause symptoms like ...
The first trimester can be an exciting, confusing, and overwhelming experience. Our Early Pregnancy Care team providers offer comprehensive, non-judgmental early pregnancy care. The Utah Pregnancy ...
When a woman has a spontaneous preterm birth at a very early gestational age (between 20 and 32 weeks ... If you're planning to get pregnant later in life, it's not... If someone in your life has ...
Lifestyle Choices During Pregnancy Can Impact Child's Motor Development Up to the Age of 5-6 Years Feb. 25, 2025 — A healthy diet in early pregnancy supports the child's motor development at the ...
Pregnancy cravings are no joke. At least half of pregnant women experience cravings at some point in their pregnancy. Whether it's a hankering for salty, sweet, savory, or all of the above ...
“Smell happens very early, and foetuses have a more developed ... What type of diet is recommended for pregnant mothers? “What the mother eats definitely has an impact on how the foetus ...
Taking a higher dose of folic acid during the first trimester of pregnancy was safe and associated with improved verbal ...
New research suggests that adequate levels of the nutrient are especially important in the first trimester Babies born to women with low levels of vitamin D in early pregnancy were more likely to ...