A long-term study has studied the effects of double-cropped soybeans and cover crops on a fairly common cropping system on ...
“When you apply a herbicide that tends to burn soybean leaves, such as diphenyl ether, it triggers a defense mechanism that causes the plants to add branches,” Ferrie says. “In our test ...
Salt is lethal to crops typically grown on Delmarva — the corn, soybeans and wheat that become fodder for the region’s $5 ...
Mongabay went to Pará state’s southwest and found examples of people struggling to keep sustainable initiatives in a region dominated by soy, cattle, gold and logging.
Once the grower has decided to keep a wheat stand, the next management decision is to determine if some form of weed control ...
After farmers harvest, the straw must be returned to the ... "Targeted measures must be taken for different plots of land. Through continuous research and exploration, the team developed the ...
Agriculture is not a monoculture of effort or performance -- it moves with one goal but with numerous avenues individual farmers can take to reach that.
Garvick shares that the new site, which they moved to in January of 2024, has a 24,000-bushel bulk soybean capacity ... “I will also set up research plots and trials. Some farmers come and pick up ...
BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA — Showing signs of recovery from drought that has persisted through January, Argentina’s soybean crop ...