BIRN investigations have uncovered how journalists conducting public-interest investigations in Romania were put under ...
Deschiderea oficială pentru Mall Moldova, cea mai mare destinaţie de shopping şi entertainment din afara Bucureştiului, este ...
În perioada 14-15 martie 2025, președintele Autorității Naționale pentru Protecția Consumatorilor (ANPC), domnul Cristian Popescu Piedone, a coordonat o serie de acțiuni de control la ...
Looking for information on Iasi Airport, Iasi, Romania? Know about Iasi Airport in detail. Find out the location of Iasi Airport on Romania map and also find out airports near to Iasi. This airport ...
If you are planning to travel to Constanta or any other city in Romania, this airport locator will be a very useful tool. This page gives complete information about the Kogalniceanu Airport along with ...
Continuăm dialogul, inițiat în numerele precedente, cu prorectorul Universității „Al.I. Cuza” din Iași, pr. dr. Adrian Iftene, de la Facultatea de Informatică, pe tema inteligenței artificiale.
BUCHAREST—On a recent day, nationalist politician Călin Georgescu made his way through a crush of people to enter a district court in Romania’s faded belle epoque capital to argue that he ...
Romania, a country on Europe’s eastern fringe, is perhaps a surprising focus of attention for a new US administration whose foreign policy priorities include ending the war in Ukraine, reshaping ...
Between the art style, animation, old-school side-scrolling beat-’em-up gameplay, and roguelite loop – not to mention the developer’s pedigree (Streets of Rage 4) in this genre – Absolum ...
Streets of Rage 4 developer Guard Crush Games is once again partnering up with publisher Dotemu for a beat-’em-up. This time, though, it’s Dotemu’s first original IP, with gorgeous hand ...
S-a întâmplat în România, iar sub mandatul lui Biden, Washingtonul a practicat și el o cenzură de tip european, scrie Alex Kozinski, fost avocat al lui Trump, într-un articol de opinie în The Wall ...