Smitty," now spends time on the seas with aspiring whale watchers, or scattering the ashes of the deceased — whatever it takes to stay afloat since salmon fishing was barred in California two years ...
With salmon fishing barred off the California coast for two years, fishermen have been running historic boat tours, party ...
A UC Davis study confirms Putah Creek origin salmon for first time, marking a win for creek restoration and wild salmon, and ...
This is a photo gallery curated by AP photo editors. With salmon fishing barred off the California coast for two years, ...
The bi-weekly fishing report, compiled by Western Outdoor News, highlights the best angling opportunities in the north state.
SeaBear Company is recalling two variations of seafood chowder – Smoked Salmon Chowder and Alehouse Clam Chowder – because it has the potential to be contaminated with Clostridium botulinum ...
This advertisement has not loaded yet, but your article continues below. SUMMERSIDE, P.E.I. — Mixed doubles curling is providing an opportunity for two household names in Canada to continue their ...