(JTA) — Henry Kissinger, the first Jewish secretary of ... Kissinger is survived by his wife, Nancy Maginnes; two children from his first marriage to Ann Fleischer, whom he divorced in 1964 ...
To escape this living hell, Khalil looked west, first to Great Britain and then to the United States. He got a student visa ...
I've a lot of respect for what China has accomplished. Within one lifetime, you saw people move from impoverished conditions ...
Praise our goodness for the opportunity to come to America, find a wife and start a family in ... Donald Trump is never afraid to ask. Henry Kissinger knew this about Trump when he gave a now ...
As you probably know, (former US secretary of state) Henry Kissinger wrote a book titled ... I was here for only a day. My wife and I were in Macao where we got the one-day sort of visitations.