Lego is working to build up its in-house game development, the company's boss has revealed. Speaking to The Financial Times, Lego boss Niels Christiansen said the company was increasing its focus ...
Over the past decade, the popularity and demand for LEGO has soared. What was once a building toy for children has expanded its audience to include teens and adults. And the sets themselves have ...
Det oplyser Norwegian i en pressemeddelelse. - Med Ryanairs exit ser vi nu en unik mulighed for at styrke vores tilstedeværelse i Billund Lufthavn og Vestdanmark. Den nye rute til London Gatwick er ...
Norwegian flyver fremover mellem Billund og London-lufthavnen Gatwick. Også flere afgange til Spanien Norwegian-fly kommer fremover til at fragte jyder fra Billund til Londons Gatwick-lufthavn og ...
Nu er Lego begyndt at fyre 5-600 ansatte. Foto: John Melin, TV SYD 5-600 medarbejdere skal afskediges i Billund. Nu bliver der sat navne på. Den store fyringsrunde på Lego er begyndt. 5-600 mennesker ...
Considering how many of them there are these days, finding the best Lego sets can feel like an impossible task. Or like finding a brick in a haystack of bricks, actually. You can choose between ...
They are, collectively, some of the best-designed minifigures in recent LEGO history; the Cyclops and Gambit especially stand out for their costuming and creative use of accessories. The mansion's ...
Lego slog nye rekorder i 2024, hvor både omsætning og overskud blev de største nogensinde, viser regnskab. Uanset om der er krig i verden, geopolitisk uro og økonomisk usikkerhed, så vil der altid ...
Norwegian has announced a new route between London Gatwick and Billund. Billund is best known as the home of Legoland Billund ...