Nu er Lego begyndt at fyre 5-600 ansatte. Foto: John Melin, TV SYD 5-600 medarbejdere skal afskediges i Billund. Nu bliver der sat navne på. Den store fyringsrunde på Lego er begyndt. 5-600 mennesker ...
Norwegian has announced a new route between London Gatwick and Billund. Billund is best known as the home of Legoland Billund ...
Our website uses cookies. Some of them are needed for the website to function properly, while others help us to improve the website to meet your needs. You will find further information in our privacy ...
It looks like you're using an old browser. To access all of the content on Yr, we recommend that you update your browser. It looks like JavaScript is disabled in your browser. To access all the ...