That expeditionary squadron, which contains four B-52s, air crew and other airmen needed to support the bombers, deployed ...
The USAF has completed the first-ever live GBU-38 joint direct attack munitions drop by two B-52H Stratofortresses in Sweden.
Two U.S. Air Force B-52H Stratofortresses integrated with Italian Typhoons and Joint Terminal Attack Controllers for a rare ...
The B-52, currently deployed to the UK for BTF 25-2, practiced operational coordination and communication with Israeli F-35Is ...
VIKING NEBULA shows what happens when military operation planners try to come up with a good mission name, unlike Odyssey Dawn.
Air Force bomber named Wolfpack caught eyes and raised questions with its retro paint scheme and payload of futuristic ...
The high-power microwave energy weapon can incapacitate or damage the electronic systems of Iran’s underground nuclear plants ...
Two U.S. Air Force B-52H Stratofortresses from the 69th Expeditionary Squadron conducted the bomber aircraft’s first-ever ...