The National Weather Service, in Tallahassee, forecasts severe storms to arrive in this area late Saturday into early Sunday.
The Colquitt County School District's Summer Camp Connections helps families find activities for kids of all ages.
Olympians Jeremiah Spence and Jayda Hughes have both won gold medals in Turin, Italy at the 2025 Special Olympics World ...
ATLANTA – The Georgia Bureau of Investigations would have expanded authority to compel telecommunications and internet companies to divulge subscriber information under legislation moving through the ...
Director of Colquitt Regional Hospice Christie Johnson, RN, presented a program at the Colquitt County Retired Educators meeting.
The Moultrie-Colquitt County Chamber of Commerce held its 115th Annual Chamber of Commerce Meeting and Awards Presentation, ...
A town hall meeting was held at the R.D. Smith Teen Center to discuss the high utility bills among Moultrie and Doerun ...
Dr. Deidre Mercer Martin was selected as the Mentor of the Year for the Southeast by the Council for the Advancement and Support of Education.
Colquitt County School District announced the launch of its fourth cohort in the Colquitt County Leadership Development Program (CCLDP).
The Georgia Association for Gifted Children held its 45th annual conference in Columbus. Marshall was elected president.
Colquitt County High School's Health Science Pathway has been awarded Industry Certification by the Georgia Department of Education.
Whether looking through one’s window or being outdoors after a heavy snow fall, one can only be astounded at the beauty of God’s artistry.  Scientists tell us that each snow flake has its own design.