Automated insulin delivery (AID) systems have been shown to be beneficial for patients with type 1 diabetes, but data are needed from randomized, controlled trials regarding their role in the ...
Hospital studies suggest that scrub typhus is a leading cause of severe undifferentiated fever in regions across Asia where the disease is endemic, but the population-based incidence of infection ...
This Journal feature begins with a case vignette highlighting a common clinical problem. Evidence supporting various strategies is then presented, followed by a review of formal guidelines, when ...
Dr. David M. Dudzinski: A 72-year-old woman was evaluated at this hospital because of altered mental status. Five years before the current admission, the patient underwent transurethral resection ...
Patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage often have anemia, but evidence guiding transfusion in these patients is limited. New research findings evaluating a liberal versus restrictive ...
In patients with bloodstream infection, early, appropriate antibiotic therapy is important, but the duration of treatment is uncertain. New research findings on treatment duration in hospitalized ...
Whether surgical axillary staging can be omitted without compromising survival in women with early-stage breast cancer undergoing breast-conserving therapy has been unclear. New research findings ...
A woman was seen for evaluation of gastric polyposis, a condition her uncle also had. On upper endoscopy, innumerable polyps in the gastric corpus and an area of pale mucosa along the greater ...
A 46-year-old patient presented to a clinician to request initiation of estrogen therapy. . . . Each interactive case presents an evolving patient history and a series of questions and exercises ...
The use of e-cigarettes has increased rapidly. Although vaping has been shown to assist with smoking cessation, cases of severe vaping-related pulmonary disease and a number of deaths have ...
IN 1960 Wagner, Sleggs and Marchand 1 reported 33 cases of diffuse pleural mesothelioma from the North Western Cape Province of South Africa. The collection of such a large number of cases of a ...
THE beginning clinical clerk, the house officer and the practicing physician are all confronted with conditions that are frustrating in every phase of medical action. The purpose of this article ...