Every day, our offices are receiving calls from parents struggling with the high cost of quality child care, which means ...
Despite families of cancer victims pleading with Ohio lawmakers, Republicans at the Statehouse aren't interested in raising ...
Gov. Mike DeWine is championing a tax credit that would give families up to $1,000 per child under the age of seven. As part of the State of the State address DeWine ...
Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine will lay out his priorities to lawmakers today at noon during State of the State address ...
If an Indiana or Ohio bill passes, it would mark the first time a GOP-led state implemented a refundable child tax credit.
Providing parents with tax credits has mostly been a Democratic priority but the idea has gained traction in Ohio, Indiana and other Republican-led states.
Ahead of Gov. Mike DeWine’s annual State of the State address Wednesday, Democratic state lawmakers say they see areas in ...
The health and human services safety net is crucial in reducing poverty and ensuring healthy communities. However, the way ...
High school students from across Ohio met with state legislators March 11 to share the negative impacts they experience from ...
“Our voucher program, really an education and workforce program, is making a significant positive impact on young children ...
While Ohio Democrats and Republicans praised parts of Gov. Mike DeWine’s State of the State speech, the two parties have differing views of the governor’s child tax credit proposal. Ohio Democrats ...
Ohio school districts currently have until July to have a cellphone policy in place under a new state law. In his two-year budget plan, DeWine called for a new child tax credit for parents with a ...