After several bites, the tiger shark captured the diver’s camera in its mouth. The device kept recording as the fish attempted to swallow the camera getting a close look at its gills and razor ...
Researchers run seawater through the mouth and gills of a captured tiger shark to keep it alive as they tag the animal and gather ultrasound images and other data from it. Scientists usually ...
She captured unique footage showing what it was like to be inside of the creature while feeding tiger sharks off the ... were able to see inside of the shark's gills as well as get another good ...
The camera continued recording, offering a stunning 360-degree perspective of the shark's gills and razor-sharp ... retrieve it with the footage intact. Tiger sharks, known to grow up to 18 ...
Tiger shark unknowingly swallow divers’ camera ... It gave viewers a chance to see a frightening POV, get a glimpse at the shark's gills, razor-like teeth, and crushing jaws — all up close ...
And they have five, six, or seven gill slits per side ... while probing the uterus of a pregnant sand tiger shark, was bitten by an unborn pup. The strongest shark bite: The greatest force ...
We know that sharks all over the world, even at the Cove in Seaside, like to take a bite out of the occasional human or surfboard. But cameras? Apparently so. While feeding the sharks in February, ...