14, No. 2 (2024), pp. 1-17 (17 pages) In this study, we examine the way access to welfare provision for migrants is articulated discursively among three right-of-center parties in Sweden. For this, we ...
Prosperity Preceded the Rise of the Welfare State How have Sweden and Denmark accomplished high incomes and greater regulatory efficiency of the public sector in spite of a larger government budget?
Given the direness of the situation, I have been looking for a national model in Europe that sustains liberal and democratic ...
Economist Johan Norberg produced a documentary about Sweden’s recent economic transformations entitled “Sweden: Lessons for America.” The program is very informative as well as entertaining, and will ...
The myth of socialist Sweden persists but in fact it has left many of the policies of the 70s and 80s behind and become one of the most market-oriented societies in the world ...
These envelopes have become a symbol of the Swedish welfare system and are an important resource for both native-born Swedes and immigrants. The Swedish pension system is based on a pay-as-you-go ...
THE PHILIPPINES is looking to forge a labor agreement with Sweden for the protection of overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) located in the European country, the Department of Migrant Workers (DMW) said.
A person Public Prosecutor in Sweden commented on the topic clarifying that “First of all; Sweden has very strong legislation in order to protect the welfare of children.” ...