Scientists discovered that polar bear fur’s oily coating prevents ice from sticking, thanks to a unique mix of lipids. This ...
Researchers found compounds produced in polar bear skin that were as ice resistant as PFAS, offering potential novel ...
At birth, polar bears are blind, nearly hairless and weigh just over a pound—about the same as a loaf of bread. But they spend their first few months snuggled inside a snowy den, fattening up on their ...
Polar bears on ice in Northern Canada. Nano-physicist Bodil Holst's interest in polar bear fur began while she was watching a German quiz show. "I learned that polar bears are invisible in ...
Kieran McIver / Polar Bears International) Polar bears' greasy fur oil helps them repel ice, researchers say — and it may hold the key to helping humanity ditch harmful forever chemicals.
Polar bears spend their days jumping from ice into water. So if they get all wet, why doesn't their fur freeze? Well, a recent study in the journal Science Advances investigated that very question ...