Lyttleton set out to disprove the conversion of Saul of Tarsus. Lyttleton discerned that ... Nor has anyone since. If Paul was no deceiver, the second possibility is that he was himself deceived.
We've often viewed Paul as some sort of handworker. He may be actually from the upper artisan class. His family may have owned the business back in Tarsus. We're not absolutely sure but it's quite ...
In the days of the fear of bradyseism and continuous swarms, a message of hope and a concrete desire for social redemption comes from the diocesan museum of Rione Terra di Pozzuoli and the ...
The General Overseer, Redeemed Christian Church of God, Pastor Enoch Adeboye, said the light of God helps individuals discover their life’s purpose.Speaking at the LightUp Lagos Crusade, held at ...
2 Timothy is a deeply personal letter. Paul is imprisoned in Rome for the second time (1:17). His first imprisonment apparently ended with his release (Acts 28:30). But now under the Emperor Nero ...