Nestled in the rolling green hills of the English countryside is an important site in global astronomical history. But now, ...
Lynch, ’58. The observatory’s 15-foot dome was built in 1968, and while it happens to be home to one of the largest telescopes on the East Coast, it was largely underused for decades. Mr. Lynch, who ...
The Estes Valley Astronomical Society is offering a free public lecture Saturday, March 29th at the Estes Park Memorial ...
Stull Observatory is considered one of the finest teaching observatories in the United States. We boast 6 telescopes in domes and an assortment of other equipment. We have computer controlled ...
The University of Arkansas at Little Rock is reopening its observatory this month after being closed for over a decade. Greg ...
the observatory of the Deutsches Museum is open to visitors during the day and at night. Two observation domes offer a great view over Munich. Through a modern telescope with a professional zoom ...