It's a bird; it's a plane!! It's a ... cloud?! No, it's a massive, once-military-grade hover-capable blimp designed to ...
Utility Global, Inc. (Houston) announced the successful operation of the company’s H2Gen system at a major steel plant in ...
Toyota said it designed the 3rd Gen System for commercial vehicles, passenger cars, stationary power generators, rail, and ...
A research team from the Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER) has conducted an economic analysis of water electrolysis, ...
A breakthrough in renewable energy research has led to the development of a cost-effective and highly efficient iron-based ...
Hyundai boasts its 2023 NEXO fuel cell refuels in five minutes and produces zero emissions. The company also announced in ...
The renewable energy system ensures stable power in Antarctica’s extreme conditions, and is estimated to cut fossil fuel use ...
Classification society DNV has granted approval in principle for a 200-kW hydrogen fuel cell system designed for maritime ...
Utility’s H2Gen system represents a fundamental shift in how hydrogen can be produced and deployed across hard-to-abate industries. By leveraging existing industrial off-gases, eliminating electricity ...
H2 might also have anti-inflammatory and anti-allergy effects, says Dr. Kelley. The molecule can potentially help alleviate ...
KUCHING: Sarawak will move forward with the development of a hydrogen economy, including its use as fuel for public transport ...