Every December, groups of birders set out to identify and count birds in specified areas as part of a citizen science project ...
This winter marks the 125th year of Audubon’s Christmas Bird Count, in which bird nerds across the Western Hemisphere venture outside to record all the birds they see and hear. Scientists use that ...
The Great Backyard Bird Count is back. Between Feb. 14 and 17, the event invites nature enthusiasts around the world to watch and count as many birds as they can in their “favorite places.” ...
The Great Backyard Bird Count is slated for Feb. 14-17, all over the globe. Last year, more than 642,000 people in 210 countries or subregions helped count birds. This Valentine's Day weekend ...
The annual Great Backyard Bird Count is slated for February 14-17. Anyone is welcome to participate; all it takes is a commitment to identify and count the birds seen or heard in a particular ...
The Great Backyard Bird Count, held February 14-17, encourages people to observe and count bird species in their area. Participants can use the Merlin Bird ID app and report their findings through ...