However, NASA isn’t ready to say goodbye just yet, and is taking measures to get as much life out of the pair as possible. On ...
The cosmic ray subsystem shut off on Voyager 1 last week included a trio of telescopes studying and measuring cosmic rays, or ...
Mission engineers at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California turned off the cosmic ray subsystem experiment ...
Mission engineers at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory turned off Voyager 1’s cosmic ray subsystem experiment on February 25, ...
ESA’s Integral observed space for 22 years, uncovering gamma-ray bursts, black holes, and gravitational waves.
Astronomers have finally traced mysterious radio pulses in the Milky Way to a unique cosmic duo—a red dwarf and a white dwarf ...
NASA recently shut down Voyager 1's cosmic ray subsystem and Voyager 2's low-energy charged particle will also be deactivated ...
The Cherenkov Telescope Array just got a major boost for distributing its data, a development that will expedite scientific discovery using the observatory.
Engineers at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory have conserved energy supplies on the record-setting Voyager 1 & 2 deep space ...