The tensions and conflicts of the Cold War were the result of this. The first time this tension became clear was during the conferences the Allies held near the end of World War Two. At these ...
In a new book, The Coming Defeat of Communism (John Day ... ineffectual good will to the bleak but clearer plateau of the cold war. But on the new terrain loom the same old dangers of complacency ...
The ideological aspect of containment during the Cold War played a crucial role in its ... reintegrate into the global community once communism collapsed. This hopeful vision offered an ...
The Soviet Union wanted to keep Germany economically weak to prevent it from starting another war ... Berlin. Containment close containmentAn American policy to try and stop communism from ...
Kennan's observations led to the American policy of Soviet containment ... and Bulgaria. Soviet Communism soon dominated Eastern Europe. The Cold War had begun.