Professor, dr. phil. og dr. scient. Aage Niels Bohr , der nu er død, 87 år, blev så at sige født ind i atomforskningens eksklusive og elitære kerne. Han var søn af atomfysikeren Niels Bohr . Født 1922 ...
Niels Bohr was a mentor and companion for two groups ... Bohr’s openness to experience was passed on to the children. Aage, one of Bohr’s sons, who also won a Nobel Prize, shared a thought ...
Niels Bohr was born and educated in Copenhagen ... They had six sons, one of whom, Aage, followed his father into physics -- and into the ranks of Nobel Prize-winners. Bohr returned to Denmark ...
With the help of Niels Bohr, she got a position in Stockholm. From there, Meitner and her nephew Otto Frisch proved that the uranium atom had been split. Hahn published the results in January 1939 ...